Hi - New Staff

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Robert Rainier

Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »


I am going on plot. Rainier is shelved for the time being (in Monterey)

You have all seen my ST guidelines and plot style. (Look for the other posts if you want to)

You hopefully saw that I will not play favorites, though I will run some background/personal based plots, as the game requires. (Also see different posts)

I will miss game sometimes due to my international chorus demands or reality requiring me. Life >> Game.

If you do not like my plot style, tell me or Loki and I will avoid your character and plots involving them. No problem. (If you are silent about it, there is nothing I can do about it.)

The blood system needs re-doing (mostly to make the bags more sturdy), so is on hold until that gets done. I also need to make it more easily managed when I miss game.

I mostly am going to write plots that trigger on a timing basis and are hopefully going to encourage Player/Player roleplay and not narrator-essential roleplay. I think the game needs that support. Bear with me, those kind of plots are hard to write.

Once the character web gets more established, going to start a recruitment drive for a new generation of players, though that is still in production waiting on the right timing.




Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by padraic »

*in best Malkavian fashion*
Will there be milk and cookies...?


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by MissMallory »

I bought new bags. The blood system just needs to be transferred over. I am happy to do it between games unless anyone has specific problems with me seeing the blood bags.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Gumshoe »

Damn just when we get Rainer to owe us a favor that we REALLY need to call in right now


Robert Rainier

Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »

He is in Monterey, not dead. (Though boon requests should go through Loki at this point, due to conflict of interest)

Anyway, vampires live forever, right?



Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by HappyJack »

MissMallory wrote:I bought new bags. The blood system just needs to be transferred over. I am happy to do it between games unless anyone has specific problems with me seeing the blood bags.
Thought occurs. Please transfer EVERYTHING in my blood bag. I haven't gotten a book yet, so I've been using my blood bag instead. T'anks.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Gumshoe »

Yeah but Im not a vampire...YET

Robert Rainier

Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »


Stephanie, and therefore by relationship myself, have been asked to not return to this game by Loki, due to reasons regarding new members of this community, as told to me by phone at 1am today - moments ago.

Have a great game, folks.

Sorry about the unresolved plots.

- Glen.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Loki »


Let's air this all out right now.

I phoned Glen tonight, and asked him to try to get people together and sit down and deal with the issues that Stephanine and himself were having with individuals currently in game. He refused to try, I asked a second time, he said it wouldn't work. So I have asked them not to come back.

All I have asked is for people to settle their differences so we can have a reduced drama environment. I am tired of turning around and having another out of game issue dropped into my lap. Where one player is pissed at the other, but will not talk to them about it. It's time that changed.

Either people sit down and settle their differences (or end up agreeing to disagree, I don't care) or I don't want them sitting around creating more drama and issues that slowly spread out into rumors and even more he said/she said crap. If I am dealing with issues with people, I'm not running game. I'm not running plot for everyone else.

I'm sorry I have to be an asshole about this. But I spent the better half of the game on friday dealing with crap I shouldn't have to be dealing with. If people feel I am being too strict, talk to me.



Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by MissMallory »

This is horribly misrepresentative of the situation. I refuse to bring the details of this into public forum (which is why they were taken to the ST in the first place) past pointing out that obviously there is more than one perspective on this.

However, I would like to point out that it is horribly disrespectful to call someone at 1 am and to preface such announcements with nothing whatsoever, especially given how much Glen and I both have tried to do to help this game and the fact that we both consider Loki a friend. Bringing it onto a forum (which paradoxically provokes more drama than that currently being complained of) is even more significantly disrespectful to everyone involved.

I am sorry that I've been absent from game a lot lately due to my rather severe health problems. I miss everyone at game. That said, chances are I would have continued to have sporadic attendance anyway due to my declining condition. However, I will miss getting to roleplay with you all. I have thorougly enjoyed game when I've been able to attend. Glen and I would still love to be able to see people regularly. Most of my contact info is online for those of you who don't have it already. I'm appending it with phone number and all that jazz if anyone would like to come 'round and visit. Most of you are welcome anytime at all.



Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by McKinley »

You have allowed newcomers to violate your rule about bringing unresolved drama to the game, and then sided with them with that drama came up. You have driven away players who were instrumental to this game happening, and who have been extremely committed to the game. You have disrespected my dear friends.

If they are not welcome at game, do not expect to see me there.


Robert Rainier

Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »

I simply made a note to the game so they know why I will no longer be attending. *You* decided to air this.

We already spoke about this situation on Friday. I spoke clearly, calmly, and politely, *you* suggested at that point to do the simple thing and put in place a fair gentleman's rule compromise - one being requested by long term players regarding newly arrived ones. I was clear about the situation - including my own previous attempts to solve it - and why they were rebuffed/ignored by the other parties. You then offered to ask them to bring up the conversation again, simply to ask them to make contact.

At that point, I went and ran plot and figured you would be good on your word.

That seems to have lead to your simply blaming me for even bringing up the potential to prevent an issue - by calling me at 1am the next day.

As far as having your time 'wasted': Friday was the first time I even had any clue about situations that you, Loki, knew would be a potential problem. You had to deal with it on Friday because you chose to make it known on Friday, despite having repeated contact with me during the week.

You chose to react to a calm and logical conversation by doing what you are getting to be known for doing far too often: Just throwing your hands in the air and blaming whomever brings an issue to your attention. Frankly, I am not the only one sick and tired of your aggression and temper.

Have a fun game. It was nice while it lasted.



Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by padraic »

Wow... just wow.
Here I thought that Live Action Roleplaying was about having fun, enjoying the chance to play a game. Instead, here I see an assault on the one guy who's willing to make this game happen because no one else is. I'm not exactly sure what happened last Friday, as I'm still in Baltimore, but this seems a little ridiculous to me. I'm 28 years old, and I'm reading something that sounds like a high schooler's rant.
Quite frankly, this is getting a little redundant.
This game split off to Mountain View with a flurry of appeasement to you, Glen, and Stephanie as well by extension, because everyone was trying to be fair and respectful to all involved. It was a proud moment in the annals of LARP that everyone could sit down and reach a workable compromise to be able to continue playing a game that everyone loves.
I'm a little lost now.
I'm assuming that, given the content of Glen's final post, someone showed up at game that either you or Stephanie don't feel comfortable around. Irregardless of whatever the past history may have been, everyone comes to LARP (I'm assuming) to have fun pretending to be a vampire. Demanding that Loki try to find a compromise in your favor because you're a long-term player is, quite frankly, demeaning and selfish to the rest of us. One of the hardest balancing acts any ST has is avoiding the perception of favoritism, and had he rendered such a judgement, that would have smacked of it.
Aggression and temper in Loki?
I would've been flaming pissed.
The community around this game has been more than respectful and helpful in the past when Stephanie and you felt that there were problems that needed to be resolved. Now there's another issue, and the two of you feel you have to leave game? What a slap in the face to those of us who went out of our way to seek a resolution to past incidents. One would assume that, as adults who enjoy LARPing, you would be able to at least sit down and discuss whatever issues you have. Or ignore the problem, unless there's a genuine threat to your life. Because, quite frankly, unless the threat of grievous bodily harm exists, then I see no reason why someone should be expected to leave because one person doesn't feel comfortable. Which, I'm not sure happened, but that's what it sounds like.

Now. Having said that in the most even tone I can manage, let me say this on a personal note: I sincerely hope that you and Stephanie take some time away from game, and come to understand a few things. Number one being that every other person who switched to Mountain View did so knowing that Stephanie was going to be compensated for the demise of Vala. None of us (or at least, me) know specifically how. But we knew, and we came along anyways because we enjoy this game.
Number two being that this game is not an excuse to be jackaknapes. Specifically, you brought this to a public forum, Glen. Attacking Loki for bringing clarity to your statements is beneath you. You are a person I've long respected, and the posts I've read today make me wonder if perhaps that respect was misplaced.
Number three being that Loki has been doing his damnedest to keep this game running.
Number four being that there are a few other people playing this game who enjoy it despite the presence of other people who make them uncomfortable, and manage to do so in a reasonably undramatic fashion.
Number five being that I, personally, am tired of this cycle every few months. I am again finding my game loaded with apparent problems because you and Stephanie feel, I don't know, threatened? Quite frankly, I'm finding it difficult not to be angry that here, again, we have people leaving game because some unresolved issue exists out of game.
If you can't bring yourself to find a compromise that lets everyone play the game we all love, then perhaps it's for the best that you stop playing for a while.
Maybe a bit to clear your head is what's needed for you to remember that this is a GAME. And the number one rule of any GAME is to have fun.

Robert Rainier

Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »

1. You are in Baltimore. Quit jumping to conclusions.
2. This was caused by a polite, non-dramatic request at game - at such time - a compromise was requested. It had very little beyond a simple request for him to help communication and to clear the air, and a suggestion as to something that would allow this. The whole conversation at game took about 5-7 minutes, tops.
3. This exact situation was actually anticipated months ago and Loki agreed at that time to allow WAY more strict actions then were in the request I gave.
4. Loki called me as god-damn 1am out of the blue to drop me a blunt ultimatum, totally negating both of these things.
5. You want a slap in the face? Try being accused of everything you just wrote - from someone uninvolved - from another state.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by HappyJack »

Guys... take it outside. Please. If you feel the need to do this, well, okay, do this. But please, not on the boards. At all.

If you need to say that you're not going to be at game this week, the next week, or the next thirty weeks, by all means do, but keep it to that. People are having problems with people, and they can be resolved in a manner other than a play-by-post fistfight.

If somebody needs to rip someone a new one, fine, but doing it here where it couldn't possibly be more public to the game is unnecessarily vicious and invites the game as a whole to jump ship or tear itself apart, and frankly, it's beneath you. All of you.

You guys have pms. You have e-mails. You have the entire communications power of the telephone networks and teh Interwebz. In most cases, you even have the exposure-therapy option of talking in person. You don't need to do this here. There is a better way.

And if anyone feels the need to argue this point with me: I go by flashofoak with yahoo, my phone is (408)564-3955, I shall try to be on yahoo messenger this week and my pm inbox can handle some influx; let's talk.

~ Dorian Bodine, Second Gen SCM

Robert Rainier

Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Robert Rainier »

I have made my statements as much as I care to at this time, defending against the accusations by others.
I would be happy also to talk with folks over IM.

Enjoy the game.



Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by MissMallory »

This is ridiculous. It was a private matter until this nonsense and now I'm torn between publically defending myself against public slander and lying back and continuing the constant stream of nonsensical rumors that have been floating around about me since I joined this gaming community. I don't want to cause drama. That is how every one of these altercations has started. And how every one has escalated when people have seen my reluctance and either pushed me to do things I didn't want to do or seen that I won't defend myself.

However, I'm not going to contribute to the drama. Feel free to contact me privately. The statement stands that I will miss most everyone at game terribly and you're welcome to come visit any time.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by McKinley »

Read what was written before responding. Stephanie did not choose to leave game, but was told she was not welcome back. Moreso, she asked to do so, because Loki was informed that she would not just let people, who are just now walking into game, slander and lie about her, because they have not got over they drama from past games, drama that let to the forming of this game in the first place. Any other leaving of game comes at a direct result of this.


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Rini »

HappyJack wrote:Guys... take it outside. Please. If you feel the need to do this, well, okay, do this. But please, not on the boards. At all.

If you need to say that you're not going to be at game this week, the next week, or the next thirty weeks, by all means do, but keep it to that. People are having problems with people, and they can be resolved in a manner other than a play-by-post fistfight.

If somebody needs to rip someone a new one, fine, but doing it here where it couldn't possibly be more public to the game is unnecessarily vicious and invites the game as a whole to jump ship or tear itself apart, and frankly, it's beneath you. All of you.

You guys have pms. You have e-mails. You have the entire communications power of the telephone networks and teh Interwebz. In most cases, you even have the exposure-therapy option of talking in person. You don't need to do this here. There is a better way.

And if anyone feels the need to argue this point with me: I go by flashofoak with yahoo, my phone is (408)564-3955, I shall try to be on yahoo messenger this week and my pm inbox can handle some influx; let's talk.

~ Dorian Bodine, Second Gen SCM
*stands up and applauds for Dorian*

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Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by MrLennet »

Deja vu.

Dorian's right. Be adults, please. And for future reference, if a matter is private in any particular way, don't post it publicly, in any particular way. That makes it open to discussion, wouldn't you say?

I'm sad to see this. Again.

Be seeing y'all, when I come up from deep water.
'If you have writ your annals true, 'tis there,
That, like an eagle in a dove-cote, I
Flutter'd your Volscians in Corioli:
Alone I did it. Boy!'


"Rufus T. Firefly!?"


Re: Hi - New Staff

Post by Rahne »

I'm just not going to bother saying anything about this. It's not that I don't have an opinion it's just that I doubt that with tensions so high any of the parties involved will listen or respect said opinion. So I'm just going to sit here biting my tounge. I love you guys and I really hope you work this out because it really sucks to see you fighting like this.

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