Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

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The Lit Whore
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Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

Post by Colleen »

Alright, I was thinking about how many of your characters have now been into Cupan Tae and its basement and I realized that many of you have been welcomed into the parlor or even shown downstairs with little or no description of what it is you are walking into. So, for those of you with eidetic memory, or characters who have just been there a lot.... I give you the description in full that I can never give during the middle of a scene.

Cupan Tae is a quaint little tea shop with old fashioned wood beam floors and a large picture window in the front which usually has the curtains drawn on Fridays. The walls are adorned with gay irish country style wallpaper and racks and racks of fine china tea cups and tea pots. All the furniture in the main salon is antique. The center table is the largest, with a sofa against the kitchen wall. In the corner by the window is a small round table with a large ceramic urn in the center and in front of that is an empty bud vase. None of the chairs or tables match, all the chairs are of the comfortable armchair variety and most of them have doilies on them somewhere. The whole place has a very homey comfortable feel to it - but if you have OCD about things all being straight and orderly- it would probably drive you nutz.

Through the salon on the right is a short hallway with two doors on the left and one at the end of the hall. The first door is a sliding door and leads to the kitchen. The second door leads to the bathroom, and the last door has a numeric keypad lock on it and leads to the Basement.

The Basement is outfitted to look like a very traditional Irish Pub. There's a bar (with Guinness on tap of course), pub stools, a few tables with chairs, and up against the wall opposite the bar is an antique sofa and coffee table. There are no windows, but there is a bathroom to the left of the bar complete with a shower. To the right of the bar is another door - it leads to stairs that go to the ally behind the shop. The outside door also has a numeric keypad door.

it should be noted that the keypad is symbol/numeric. A 0-9 keypad with 9 geometric symbols as well. (it should be noted that all the geometric symbols are symbols from the game: Perfection). The screen seems to indicate 10-12 inputs needed.

All this aside... what makes the basement interesting is everything that Colleen has tacked up on the walls.

On the walls:

Travel Poster for Cairo Egypt
Tuareg blue turban
Paperback edition of James Joyce’s “the Dubliners”
Movie posters for:
--Michael Collins
--The Dead
--V for Vendetta
--The Wind that Shakes the Barley
(There are scars in the wall behind the movie posters that, if carefully looked at, may suggest a pattern)
DVD cover of “Secretary”
Rusted Kukri
Broken seat belt
Bag of tea that looks soaked in blood
Framed charcoal sketch of Colleen (obviously done by Frank- if you know his style)
Fire damaged sign that reads “St. Bridget’s Orp”
Flier for St. Edna’s School in Dublin (cir. 1914)
Windbreaker with the words “Bomb Squad” silk screened on it (obviously a fake)
A single spike (like from a spiked collar)
Saints cards for:
- St. Patrick
- St. Brigit
- St. Dymphna
- St. Jude
- St. Agnes
- Our Lady of the Sorrows
- Our Lady of Knock
- St. Therese
- St. Francis of Assisi
- St. Agatha
- St. Rita
A framed finger painted picture of a horse (another Frank piece)
A postcard from the Cromwell Monument in England
A very old man’s leather belt
A liquor license
A red glass teardrop
A 1980’s era walkman
Theatre Playbills from:
- James Joyce’s The Dead
- Children of Eden
- Peter Pan
- Deirdre of the Sorrows
- A Midsummer Night’s Dream
- A Close Shave with the Devil
- A Love Song for Ulster
- A Rage to be Free
- A Saint of Little Consequence
- Cuchalainn
- Death is for Heroes
- Jane Eyre
- Martin Assassin of his Wife
- October Song
- Onions Make You Cry
- The Tempest
- The Fairy Queen
- A Most Notorious Woman
photo/tin type of Padraic Pearse (though it’s not labeled as to who it is)
A black taper candle with the wick burned but none of the wax melted
A canteen
Boat Ticket to Sydney Australia
Menu from Finnegan’s Wake Pub – Edinburgh
A Program for the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
A newspaper article on Gaeltechs (Irish Language Preserves)
A ring of large iron keys
A used NOS canister from a street racer
A Dartboard
A length of fire hose w/ nozzle
Tea Menu from the Empress Hotel, Victoria Canada
Stamps from the Irish White Cross Society
Foot Plow
Broken oil lamp
Sticker of the Celtic Tree of Life
Watercolor painting of a Willow tree by a river at night
A copy of Patrick Pearse’s poem “The Wayfarer” done in calligraphy
Article about a proposed highway near the Hill of Tara
Miniature model of a copper whisky still
Photo of a green Tucker
Silver Rosary
A pair of white gloves with crystals on them
Ticket to Wrestlemania XXI
Paperback copy of Anne of Avonlea
Ziploc bag full of rock salt
A St. Brigit’s cross made of thatching and white rags
Tarot card of the Devil
School pennant from Trinity College
U2 vinyl single of “Bloody Sunday”
Piece of scrap metal with the #4 painted on it
Tea stained maid’s apron
Soot stained white gloves
Guinness Mirror
Guinness neon sign
Guinness tin signs
Small Harp Lager mirror
Antique tin sign for Jameson’s whisky
Small Celtic lap harp
Black lace fan
Print of a painting of Mary Seton – handmaiden to Mary Queen of Scots
Antique sheep killing hammers
Shellacked dead and wilted red rose with thorns.
Paint Can
Vacuum Bag full of ash
Laptop w/ burned out hard drive (Recognizable as Zach's personal laptop if you knew him)
Pillow Case
A cd from the group "Waking Finnigan"
The shell of an iPod that looks as though it's about 100 years old or so.
A picture in a simple gold frame
Menu from "The Pygmalion" Irish Pub, Luxembourg
A green formal that is ripped to shreds
A teddy bear ((yes that one))
A pair of fancy sports car headlights
A single silver finger claw ring
A long large red ribbon
A guitar with black raven feathers stuck between the strings and the fret board all the way down the neck of the guitar. - (Recognizable as Mick's precious "Titania" to those who knew her)

Also, not on the walls- but perhaps noteworthy -
An upright piano that has been badly damaged by fire and has suffered 116 bullet “wounds” – next to that is an upright piano in working order.

So... there you have it. That's where y'all have had your characters hang out and do business. Hope this adds a bit more flavor and perspective.
Last edited by Colleen on Thu Jun 19, 2008 11:02 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Of all the gifts we have received, one is most precious and most terrible - the will of each of us is free - It's in our hands.
Our hands can choose to drop the knife - Our hearts can choose to stop the hating - For ev'ry moment of our life is the beginning...
There is no journey gone so far we can not stop and change direction.
No doom is written in the stars -- it's in our hands.

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The Lit Whore
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Re: Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

Post by Colleen »

I try to keep this list of the basement walls as current as possible and update it often - just fyi.
Of all the gifts we have received, one is most precious and most terrible - the will of each of us is free - It's in our hands.
Our hands can choose to drop the knife - Our hearts can choose to stop the hating - For ev'ry moment of our life is the beginning...
There is no journey gone so far we can not stop and change direction.
No doom is written in the stars -- it's in our hands.

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The Lit Whore
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Re: Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

Post by Colleen »

Of all the gifts we have received, one is most precious and most terrible - the will of each of us is free - It's in our hands.
Our hands can choose to drop the knife - Our hearts can choose to stop the hating - For ev'ry moment of our life is the beginning...
There is no journey gone so far we can not stop and change direction.
No doom is written in the stars -- it's in our hands.

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Re: Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

Post by Katarina »

I'm not doing anything; and it's working.

Theme Music


Re: Cupan Tae and items on the basement walls.

Post by Jackal »

Heh heh heh.

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