Respect for Living Creatures

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Respect for Living Creatures

Post by ClawOfBastet »

I realize this might make me sound silly to some people, but I will say it anyway since something of this nature has happened twice.

Please, please, please do not kill a creature unnecessarily.
I understand there is caution and need to do so for safety for things like spiders, bees/wasps/etcetc, but for things such as moths, there is no need to stamp out their life as though they are some sort of entertainment or toy. They are living creatures, in which do no harm to a human being as a spider, bee, fire ant, mosquito, etc would. I understand accidents happen, but this has not been such a case.

If you cannot do it for the creature, please, I beg of you, do it for myself as an individual. When I witness this, it makes me want to quit the game for the night as well as actually bringing me tears. May make me sound somewhat of a wuss, but this is just how I am. I loathe having to feel any sort of resentment to any individual, and wish to keep it that way.

Thank you all for your understanding.

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