I got a PM from someone asking for a description of the Rant House. I couldn't believe that it wasn't described in the Locations of Note section - but sure enough, I could not find it there.
Normally, I would ask whoever owned the place to describe it, but since it has been a staple of the game for so long, I thought I would put this thread together to get a common consensus of what the place looked like. I'll post what I understand it to be, but if this differs from your understanding, respond to the thread! Eventually we will make a formal ruling.
Here is what I believe to be true about the Rant House:
Located in the middle of Mountain View somewhere is a squat apparently cinder block building. No windows adorn the outside, and it appears to be only a single floor. A single painted steel door is the only entrance, and that door is secured by some sort of electronic lock. (Though it is reinforced from the inside by several other locks, including a massive door bar.) The whole building looks from the outside rather like a PG&E or telecom company substation. It does not appear to conform to current building codes, (No windows, only 1 exit), but must have been grandfathered in.
Once inside however, one finds themselves in a comfortable and well appointed hall. There is a bar in one corner and plenty of places to sit and chat. A door leads out of the room to a hall, and a stairway that leads down.
At the end of the hall is a very well maintained library. A single large oak table (usually) dominates the center of the room, while the walls are bordered in stacks of shelves. A computer with high-speed internet access can be found here, along with a wireless router.
Down the stairs leads to "The Pit"; a deep gladiatorial arena, complete with a sunken fighting area and a raised observation catwalk. In the pit there are a number of weapon racks on the walls, often adorned with a variety of wicked looking weapons.
Finally, there is a small room one can get to from the catwalks - this place is a catacomb of sorts. A place where the Brujah of the Domain have been known to keep those who have no where else to go, or perhaps are constrained for other reasons. This is where a coffin, now painted red, resides as a special punishment for those who truly fail the clan.
Rumor has it that there is some sort of secret entrance from below, thanks to an enterprising Nosferatu, but if it does exist, it certainly is not common knowledge; Indeed perhaps the method of entry has been lost to time and the ever changing rogues gallery of the Domain.
The entire building is specially reinforced to withstand even the most potent of combatants, and soundproofed to ensure that no one outside is ever the wiser of what goes on within.