BAM, the Weather, and you!

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Joined: Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:21 am
Player name: Ralph
Character Name: Trouble
City Positions: Head Storyteller

BAM, the Weather, and you!

Post by Ralph »

Hey folks,

Weather Underground tells me we have a 60% chance of rain tomorrow night during game. This means that there will inevitably be the thing where folks want to know if we are gaming in the garage.

While the garage is nice and dry (mostly) and warmer, it is also WAY louder and echo-ey. I know various folks have different preferences.

Game tomorrow will happen both above and below ground. Unless it is pouring, listen up will be in the usual place. We will make as much room as we can under the gazebo.

If it IS pouring, we'll do check-in in the small room underground (to help limit the noise during check-in)
Let me tell you a story....

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