Mythic Event

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Joined: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:55 pm
Player name: Monte

Mythic Event

Post by MrLennet »

A couple OOC notes to address some questions.

First, I haven't scheduled because I want to be able to get as many people as possible involved. The more RSVPs I have (participate yes, participate no), the faster I can start asking people about days. The schedule of the Mythic Event depends on YOUR schedules, and not so much on mine. If there is a particular game day in the next month or so you will absolutely NOT be here, PM me about it. I'd like to have this rolling, at latest, the first game in November.

Second, GMs! Do decide (if you haven't already) which of your NPCs will be involved. If you really want to bring in 2, that's great, but it is better for the event if there is only 1 role per player; it increases the level of interactions available. Talk to me if you have questions. But definitely let the judges know which NPC is signing on, ASAP. They need to get on it.

Third, judges: Hup to, people. Start assigning roles to anyone you can think of, so that you have something ready for when they RSVP. If they say 'no show', then we'll just have to roll the role onto someone else. Only a handful of roles have been assigned so far, and that's not enough!

Fourth, any questions (IC or OOC) can be PMed to me, or placed here if you like. Thank you!

-Monte, aka Mr. Lennet (who is so totally not a Setite, no really)
'If you have writ your annals true, 'tis there,
That, like an eagle in a dove-cote, I
Flutter'd your Volscians in Corioli:
Alone I did it. Boy!'


"Rufus T. Firefly!?"

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