Overall, it's not very good. In fact, I say now - it's bad. Both the balance and the prose had some major flaws with them. I like to think I've improved both as a game theorist and a writer since then.
However, there were a couple of gems in there that I think I'd like to consider bringing in some way into BAM. The first is "Courtesy in Cruelty."
This is actually a rule I have always used in all of my gaming life. In fact, it's so ingrained in me that I had been playing for years here at BAM before I realized it is NOT a stated rule in this game. I kind of think it should be.Courtesy in Cruelty - When you are about to hose another persons character REALLY bad, or are about to seriously and permanently alter the status of that character (Final Death, Blood Bond, Conditioning) you are requested to remind him of anything he can do to get out of it that you can think of, including using Disciplines, Boons, Willpower, etc.
Your character may be cruel, but please be a nice player and help out.
All of the Codes of Conduct have a place in the BAM setting (though man do some of them need to be re-written,) but that one in particular I thought I should highlight.
We talk a lot about speaking out of character. I admit, that during downtime, I am as bad as the next guy about talking about the awesome scenes I was in, and certain plot points. I really should set a better example, and I apologize for that. In looking at this site last night, I was reminded about it with the Story of Romeo.Speaking Out of Character and The Story Of Romeo.
Imagine the following scene:
You are Primogen of your clan. You are steadfastly for the Camarilla and all it is for. Your best friend Mary has been by your side for a few years now. You trust her implicitly. When you return from Meetings of the primogen you occasionally need to let of steam and you share your thoughts and secrets with her. You trust her with your very unlife until...
Romeo, your best friend playing a sewer rat, chatters to you about the neat thing he discovered in game last game whilst at dinner. He mentions this chick names Mary. She is apparently some Sabbat Infiltrator! Mary is Sabbat? You stare at Romeo over your prime rib. A Flood of emotions floods your brain... you consider all of the secrets that you have shared with her and realize that you are the cause for all of the precision Sabbat raids lately and consider feeding this chattering player to her on a stake!
See what happened? This was a major plot for both you and Mary's player, Something that will seriously affect your player, and you found out at dinner, when you weren't even in Character!! It is completely natural to wish to share your discoveries with other players, but we ask that you refrain from this! The most insignificant details can be horribly destructive to the story we are trying to weave. You see it's not just a story in which we all "act" in, it is a reality that we create for our characters and experience through their eyes, ears and emotions. The best role-players don't need to try to feel their characters emotions or try to emulate them, they are their characters and any tampering with the delicate self-deceiving that we create shatters that reality. If you do insist on out of character chatter, whether it be dropping out of character while actually still in the game or talking about your characters knowledge with other players, be prepared for those players disappointment and fury. Also be prepared to be heavily chastised by Narrators and Storytellers alike.
I will try to be better about it.
What do you think about these?